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Sponsored Athletes

Gabriel Rainho Battle Gear

Name: Gabriel Rainho
Rank: Black Belt in BJJ & in Judo
Team Affiliation: GFTEAM (Grappling fight team)

Rhianna Parker Battle Gear

Name: Rhianna Sara Parker
Rank: Juvenile Green Belt BJJ
Team Affiliation: Lucio BJJ Lifestyle

Miles Robinson Batte Gear

Name: Miles Hayton-Robinson
Rank: Brown Belt
Team Affiliation: Inglorious Grapplers / Jude Samuel BJJ

Our Brand Ambassadors
Brand Ambassadors are responsible for specific areas. Please get in contact with them to purchase our products and most importantly support them as athletes



Lori Christine Cherry
(Memphis Judo and Jiu jitsu)
Memphis, Tennessee USA
Please contact her at lorricherrybjj


Annie Kohne
(GFTEAM, Grappling Fight Team)
Durban South Africa
Please contact her at kohneannie


Mike UKA
(Art of Submission)
Please contact him at reduka90


Leyla Ozbek
(GFTEAM Berlin)
Berlin Germany
Please contact her on facebook


Marc Clark
(Mill Hill BJJ)
Chiltern, Oxfordshire
Please contact him on the_cletus_bjj13

Benny Sootho
(Godalming BJJ, GFTEAM)
London & Surrey UK
Please contact him on facebook


Alex Lindsey
(Newport MMA)
South Wales
Please contact him on alexlindsey92


Nam Hoang
(Combat Base)
Leeds UK
Please contact him on nam044


Mike Resch
(Ares BJJ Luxembourg – Equipe Ganbaru Jiu Jitsu)
Please contact him on miketoreschbjj

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Liam McCully
(Liverpool BJJ Lifestyle - Lucio Sergio BJJ)
Please contact him on liammccullybjj

You could be a Battle Gear brand ambassador. Get in touch to join us.

Brand Ambassador Programme

We understand that training, competitions and BJJ kit can amount to quite abit of costs and we could help you with that.

Become a Battle Gear Brand Ambassador to earn some extra cash to pay or help with these costs.
Promote and sell our kit to your team mates, your academy or your local shops and earn commision, amazing discounts off your own kit and even free products.


As an Ambassador, you will receive a trade discount (normally only offered to retail shops and registered traders) on our products and you can sell them for the listed online price or more. You then keep the profit to use however you see fit. (for training costs, competition fees, etc....)  If you use our website as a catalogue for your 'customers' they can then choose what they want and pay you upfront for it, that way you never have to fork out anything and simply keep the profits when sold.

Its a very simple system that has allowed our existing ambassadors who are actively selling to pretty much have all their comp fees / training / travel costs covered and some have even managed to make a small living out of it. 

NOTE that this programme will only work and will work well if you actively sell the Brand and products.


If interested in the Ambassador programme please let me know and we will get this all set up for you.


To be an official Battle Gear brand ambassador please contact us.


Join our mailing list

For offers, special discounts and all the latest news!

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Battle Gear is a UK manufacturer of equipment and apparel for the sport of Brazilian Jiu jitsu, BJJ, Mixed martial arts, MMA and other combat sports and martial arts. News and updates about Battle Gear can be found on Battle Gear's BLOG , facebook and Twitter pages. United Kingdom.

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